Saturday, September 19, 2009

WAPI Malawi

In a recent trip over to Malawi the vinspired lake of Stars team met with the British Council and found out about this event. Do check it out if you are in Lilongwe before the festival. Looks good - and it is hosted by festival friends Third Eye and Dominant 1.

* What is WAPI?

Short for Word and Pictures is a forum for verbal and visual artists from the underground to showcase their talent and skill to the general public. It is also taking place in 11 African countries including Nigeria, South Africa and Kenya.

* What art forms are showcased?

WAPi will aim to showcase all forms of art e.g., but not limited to, music, poetry, visual arts, fashion, dancers, graffiti, animation, cartoons, comic book art, painting, acrobatics and stand up comedy.

* What is the focus for WAPi?

WAPi events will all have themes that will inform the performances and art works on display. The theme for the next WAPI event is REPRESENT!

Outreach programmes will aim to offer, but not limited to, the following:

o career talks on creative industries
o motivational talks to creative clubs
o Skills Factories i.e. workshops aimed at imparting creative skills

* How can I get showcased?

Go to our FaceBook page WAPI Malawi and you can find out more or visit the British Council Malawi and ask for Muthi Nhlema, Q Malewezi or Amanda Robinson.