Why did you get involved in vinspired Lake of Stars?
I joined Lake Of Stars because I thought it would be a great opportunity to gain an experience of the journalist’s role at first-hand. Meeting new people is something I really like doing; combine this with my love for music and my interest in the project it is all but explained.
What did you do?
In the UK I: was able to encounter different forms of music and talk to those who created it, bop my head religiously to unfamiliar sounds and generally enjoy the atmosphere of a performance on several occasions. I was also involved in interviewing musicians and providing pre-event blog entries and post-event summaries for those I attended.
What next?
I’m using the experience and contacts gained to continue writing and improve my skills as a journalist, something I really love doing. I’ve gone back to studying for my final year of college. Next year I hope to go to university, A Level results pending.
Would you recommend volunteering for other young people?
I would definitely recommend volunteering to other young people, because for the major part of it you are independent – not to foreshadow the assistance that was always available to me. If you want to gain an experience of something you’re interested in or just want to use some spare time wisely, be sure to get in contact.
If you are 16-25 and would like to volunteer, find opportunities at vinspired.com
Words and photo by Errol Anderson, vinspired volunteer