Here, as promised, is Elimbi na Ngomo (Production TN, TN 591), Toto Guillaume's 1985 LP that is rightly considered a monument of the makossa genre. I agree that it's a masterpiece, but pride of place as Guillaume's "best" recording belongs, in my humble opinion, to Makossa Digital (Disques Esperance ESP 8404, 1983), which I posted here earlier. That said, there's little doubt that the title track, "Elimbi na Ngomo," is one of Toguy's most popular songs, remembered fondly by all Camerounians of a certain age.
Elimbi na Ngomo, makossa for the ages. Enjoy!
Toto Guillaume - Elimbi na Ngomo
Toto Guillaume - Bulu
Toto Guillaume - Raison
Toto Guillaume - Eh Oa
Toto Guillaume - Mulalo
Toto Guillaume - Ngila Nama
Download Elimbi na Ngomo as a zipped file here.