Following a tip off on twitter that The Maccabees are in East London for a photo shoot, vlos towers power into action to get the inside scoop on how they feel about being this years headliners.
The Maccabees; Rupert, Orlando, Felix, Huw, Sam
vTeam: Matt, Jenny and Brian
vMatt - The main thing is really why are you volunteering your time for lake of stars?
Orlando - I don’t feel like we’re volunteering. We so excited to be asked .We feel privileged. It’s the most farfetched thing we’ve ever done, its the biggest opportunity. It doesn’t feel like we’re volunteering, like we’ve been given something. We wouldn’t miss it for the world.
Felix- Were just so happy to be there, we’ve never been to Africa, we just wanna take the whole place in
O- well i went to Morocco once
Brian- well thats not “proper Africa”
F- Not sure they’d agree with that (everyone laughs)
M- It’s the kind of thing that’s life changing?
Rupert- Yeh, I’ve been reading literature on the history of Africa, such an interesting place, really can’t wait
F- Yeh, were really lucky to get to go
M- Who do you want to see at lake of stars?
O- Sway, we’ve seen him before and he’s good
M- How did you hear about lake of stars? What drew you too it?
F- Just got asked
R- And jumped on it. Sounded perfect
F- it’s the beautiful thing about being in a band, you get these opportunities
O- Yeh and many bands don’t get the chance
M- How do you think playing in Malawi will be different from playing in the UK?
F- Well we have no idea what it’s going to be like. Everyone goes to places like reading expecting what you’re going to see. This is different. That’s what makes it special. .
O- We’ve been in a band for 6, nearly 7 years. Everything’s good, but we rarely get the opportunity to do something far out
Huw- Its gonna be really good to play with non UK bands
Sam- Yeh I’m really forward to seeing local bands
O- It’s just after we’ve finished our tour, doing all the academies. Not to complain, but compared to Preston or Stoke, Malawi sounds good.
F- I just worry in our hour slot on stage; will the people of Malawi be really into the Maccabees? (laughs)
Jenny- Well it’ll be sunny so it’ll all be good
M- We’re all volunteers, so if you could volunteer doing anything else except music what would it be?
O- Probably with mental health. The National Health Service is so underfunded and understaffed. I’d definitely do something in that.
F- I think the treatment of old people is really bad in this country. Like we throw them away when they’re passed their sell by date. It’s a lack of respect and an aspect of British culture. They know more about life, have more to give. Deserve more. I’d try and change that.
If you're 16-25 and would like to volunteer, find opportunities at vinspired.com