Olivier Mtukudzi

Gifted with a deep, gutsy voice and a talent for writing songs that reflect on the daily life and struggles of the people of his homeland, Oliver “Tuku” Mtukudzi is one of Zimbabwe’s greatest artists and has become the most recognised voice to emerge from Zimbabwe and the international scene earning a large devoted following across Africa and beyond. His blending of Southern African music traditions, including mbira, mbaqanga, jit, and the traditional drumming styles of the Korekore, has created such a unique sound that it has been respectfully dubbed “Tuku music. A member of Zimbabwe's KoreKore tribe,Nzou Samanyanga as his totem, he sings in the nation's dominant Shona language along with Ndebele and English. Mtukudzi has had a number of tours around the world. He has been on several tours in the UK, USA and Canada to perform for large audiences.
To listen to Olivers Mutkudzi visit www.last.fm/music/Oliver+Mtukudzi