Grand Union, is a world jazz group based in the East London region. Led by founder and composer, Tony Haynes, the collection is now celebrating 25 years together, after being formed in an era where the term ‘world-jazz’ was relatively unknown. Touring with around 15-20 musicians and sometimes featuring up to 300 for large scale shows, their ability to seamlessly blend evocative sounds from all around the world is awe-inspiring.
Back in 1984, it was an enthused Tony Haynes that gave birth to the group after developing a deep interest in the topic of migration and in particular the reasons why people became exiles and refugees. Grand Union was originally set up as a way of presenting dramatic shows where music was the key element. Equally important was that this music was produced by people who had experienced such hardships, leading to one of the group’s earliest production shows named ‘Strange Migrations’. It was this total embrace of less known cultures, during a time when multiracial societies were beginning to thrive, that formed the basis of this unique gathering, who would soon integrate performers from almost every area of the world.
Having become a heavily respected and established unit, the group turned their attention to the younger generation in 2007 with the formation of Grand Union Youth Orchestra, consisting of talented young musicians from East London between the ages of 15-25. Never before had I experienced the resonance of steel pans, table and djembe – all masterfully combined in one ensemble. As well as being incredibly gifted, these young people also had a vital advantage:
“The youth orchestra musicians beginning to take part in the team is very helpful in this process, because they relate to their own generation and at the same time are able to learn from the senior members of Grand Union”
It is this combination that not only rejoices the beauty of multicultural life, but also depicts how music has the ability to unify those of all ages.
Furthermore, workshops and interactive sessions are regularly held for children and family members. Prior to their performance at RichMix, for example, the group will be hosting a Family World Music Workshop for anyone aged 7 and over – no experience needed! These interactions with the public, and youth in particular, only look to emphasize Grand Union’s intent on spreading authentic music to younger ears – a target audience, unfortunately, harder to entertain with the more familiar stimulations of urban and electronic music.
As a 17 year old myself, it would be a shame if teens and young people were to miss out on the vibrant mix that only true acoustic music can provide. Grand Union are performing at RichMix on October 31, make sure you come and have a listen.